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What Happens If You’re Charged with DUI While Underage?

What Happens If You’re Charged With DUI While Underage?

Driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious offense for anyone, but when you’re underage, the stakes are even higher. The combination of inexperience, potential peer pressure, and the unforgiving legal landscape can make an underage DUI charge particularly daunting. If you or someone you know is facing this situation in Fairfax, VA, understanding the implications and navigating the legal system swiftly is crucial. This guide will walk you through what happens if you’re charged with DUI while underage, providing valuable insights to help you make informed decisions.

Understanding the Gravity of Underage DUI Charges

Driving under the influence is not just a traffic violation; it’s a criminal offense that carries severe penalties. For those under 21, the legal definition and repercussions of DUI are even stricter. This blog post aims to shed light on what happens when an underage individual is charged with DUI in Fairfax, VA, and why immediate legal assistance is paramount.

The Legal Landscape for Underage DUI in Virginia

Virginia’s Zero Tolerance Law

In Virginia, the legal drinking age is 21. The state enforces a “zero tolerance” policy for underage drinking and driving. This means that if an individual under 21 is caught with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.02% or higher while driving, they can be charged with DUI. This is significantly lower than the 0.08% BAC limit for drivers over 21.

Penalties for Underage DUI

Penalties for underage DUI in Virginia are harsh and can include:

  • Fines up to $2,500
  • Jail time of up to 12 months
  • Mandatory participation in an Alcohol Safety Action Program (ASAP)
  • Driver’s license suspension for up to one year
  • Community service

These penalties can have lasting effects on an individual’s life, making it essential to understand the legal landscape thoroughly.

Aggravating Factors

Certain factors can aggravate the severity of an underage DUI charge. These include having a BAC significantly higher than 0.02%, involvement in an accident, or having previous DUI convictions. Aggravating factors can lead to harsher penalties and more severe legal consequences.

The Arrest Process for Underage DUI

Initial Encounter with Law Enforcement

When a law enforcement officer suspects an underage driver of DUI, they will likely pull the vehicle over and conduct a series of sobriety tests. These tests may include a breathalyzer test to measure BAC and field sobriety tests to assess physical coordination and cognitive function.

Sobriety Tests and Citations

If the officer determines that the driver is under the influence, they will issue a citation and make an arrest. The driver will be taken into custody and transported to the police station for further testing and processing. It’s crucial to remain calm and cooperative during this process.

Importance of Contacting a Lawyer Immediately

One of the most critical steps after an arrest is to contact a DUI lawyer immediately. Legal representation can make a significant difference in the outcome of the case. A skilled attorney will provide guidance, protect the individual’s rights, and work towards achieving the best possible result.

Navigating the Legal Process for Underage DUI


The first step in the legal process is the arraignment, where the accused will be formally charged with DUI. During this hearing, the judge will read the charges, and the defendant will enter a plea of guilty or not guilty. It’s essential to have legal representation at this stage to ensure proper handling of the case.

Pre-Trial Motions and Negotiations

Following the arraignment, the defense attorney may file pre-trial motions to challenge the evidence or seek to dismiss the charges. This phase may also involve negotiations with the prosecution to reach a plea agreement. An experienced lawyer will work diligently to achieve a favorable outcome for the defendant.

Trial and Sentencing

If the case proceeds to trial, both sides will present their evidence and arguments. The judge or jury will then render a verdict. If found guilty, the defendant will be sentenced according to Virginia’s DUI laws. Sentencing may include fines, jail time, and other penalties mentioned earlier.

The Long-Term Consequences of Underage DUI

Impact on Driving Privileges

One of the most immediate consequences of an underage DUI conviction is the impact on driving privileges. A suspended license can make it challenging to maintain employment, attend school, and fulfill other daily responsibilities.

Academic and Career Opportunities

A DUI conviction can also affect academic and career opportunities. Many colleges and employers conduct background checks, and a criminal record can be a significant barrier to acceptance or employment.

Importance of Taking Legal Matters Seriously

Given the far-reaching consequences of an underage DUI conviction, it’s essential to take legal matters seriously. Seeking the assistance of a qualified DUI lawyer can help mitigate the impact and provide a path to move forward.


Facing an underage DUI charge in Fairfax, VA, is a serious and complex matter. Understanding the legal landscape, navigating the arrest and legal process, and recognizing the long-term consequences are crucial steps in addressing the situation effectively. Immediate legal counsel can make a significant difference in the outcome of the case.

If you or someone you know is facing an underage DUI charge, don’t wait—schedule a consultation with Whitestone Young, PC by calling 703-591-0200. Our experienced attorneys are here to provide the guidance and representation you need to protect your rights and secure your future.

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