Does divorce play a role in overall well-being?
Virginia readers know that stressful situations can impact health. Individuals who are unhappy and under a significant amount of strain tend to display certain physical symptoms. It was commonly thought that the stress and strain of a divorce could have negative health implications, but recent studies have suggested that divorced individuals are no less healthy than their married peers.
One particular study followed a group of people for almost three decades, documenting the impact of relationship changes on their overall health. Surprisingly, the study determined that those who divorced and remarried did not display significantly higher numbers of cardiovascular and respiratory issues. While previous research has suggested that divorce is bad for health, those who seemed to have suffered the most are those who divorced at younger ages, rather than those who were of more advanced ages.
It is thought that those who divorce may have a slight decline in their health right after the end of marriage, but it is reasonable to assume that the health of most people returns to a normal state after a few years. Of course, every individual is different, and there are many external factors that impact health, including emotional well-being and financial status. Virginia readers will note that divorce also impacts the health and well-being of affected children.
Divorce may not be bad for one’s health, but there are many reasons to proceed through the process with care. Making smart decisions during the divorce process can lay the groundwork for a strong, stable future. Stability and happiness can certainly improve the overall quality of life and may even improve health.
Source: Yahoo, “Divorce May Not Be So Unhealthy After All“, Amy Capetta, June 12, 2015